Subproject A
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften, IBG-3 Agrosphäre, D-52425 Jülich

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Brüggemann (coordinator)

Our specific questions are: What is the potential of organic substrate amendments for immobilizing excess N after harvest and for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in crop rotations? What is the relationship between fertilization, C:N:P nutrient stoichiometry, and greenhouse gas emissions? What are the physicochemical drivers of greenhouse gas emissions at the soil-root interface?
Subproject B
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Biologie, D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Prof. Dr. Matthias Rillig

Dr. Julien Roy
We study communities of AM fungi, which we decode using Illumina sequencing of AM fungal 28S rDNA large subunit (LSU) sequences. We focus on understanding temporal dynamics in successional timescales (52 years), using a chronosequence of recultivation. We also examine the effects of cover crops and work on various long-term field experiments in Germany, testing for links between AM fungal communities and stoichiometry.
Subproject C
Technische Universität München, Ehemaliges Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt
85354 Freising

Prof. Dr. Michael Schloter

Dr. Stefanie Schulz
Our main project aims are: To reconstruct of carbon and nutrient cycles in soils where amendments changing the stoichiometry of C:N:P have been applied. Therefore metagenomic tools are used for the characterization of the potential traits provided by microbiomes of different soil- and plant compartments, which are complemented with metatranscritpomic studies, which indicate activation of genes. To identify spatial and temporal dynamics of the microbiomes and to characterize core microbiomes in soil and their interaction pattern. In this respect, we want to understand the role of diversity for resilience and process stability. To visualize important microbial groups at the plant soil interface and link these groups to specific activity pattern related to nutrient acquisition.
Subproject D
Universität zu Köln, Terrestrische Ökologie, 50674 Köln

Prof. Dr. Michael Bonkowski

Dr. Sergey Blagodatsky
We aim to characterize and to manipulate stoichiometric threshold ratios in order to reduce soil nutrient losses by improving the timing of microbial mineralization and plant nutrient uptake, characterize nutrient threshold ratios to precisely predict crop nutrient demand; and to improve shoot-to-root allocation in crop plants in dependence of mycorrhizal symbionts, and give recommendations for an optimized restoration and sustainable long-term management of soil fertility in agricultural soils.
Subproject E
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, D-24118 Kiel

Prof. Dr. Henning Kage

Steffen Rothardt
Our main scientific questions are: Can microbial immobilization reduce N-leaching? How to control and quantify immobilization processes in field scale? Will the tested strategies increase N use efficiency? Can a dynamic model help to assess possible strategies under varying environmental conditions (e.g. climate change, different soils)?
Subproject F
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Ökologie, 21335 Lüneburg

Prof. Dr. Vicky Temperton

Inés Alonso Crespo
Our main scientific questions are: Visualizing and quantifying how different amounts and timing of nutrient addition (N,P) affect plant traits, particularly root system architecture (Stoichiometry and Timing Rhizobox Experiments). What happens during a crop rotation (faba bean/spring canola/spring barley/white lupine followed by winter barley) in terms of nitrate leaching when one adds different high C substrates after harvest of the first crops? (Crop Rotation Experiment). The role of plant functional group (rhizobial/non; arbuscular mycorrhizal/non) within pre-crops for the subsequent crop and soil microbiome. (Crop Rotation Experiment).
Subproject G
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen, D-72622 Nürtingen

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Braun

Jutta Will
Main scientific questions are: Which ecosystem services are delivered by the soil? How could potential management options look like? What are the environmental impacts of these management options? What are the socio-economic impacts of these management options? How can impacts on soil be integrated into LCA?