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Kumar A, Kuznetsova O, Gschwendtner S, Chen H, Alonso‐Crespo IM, Schulz S, Bonkowski M, Schloter M, Temperton V (2023) Implications of domestication syndrome in barley for above- and belowground plant traits and microbial interactions. Authorea. July 10, 2023.

Kurth JK, Albrecht M, Glaser K, Karsten U, Vestergaard G, Armbruster M, Kublik S, Schmid CAO, Schloter M, Schulz S (2023) Biological soil crusts on agricultural soils of mesic regions promote microbial cross-kingdom co-occurrences and nutrient retention. Frontiers in Microbiology 14:1169958.

Ntinyari W, Reichel R, Gweyi-Onyango JP, Giweta M, Wissel H, Masso C, Bol R, Brüggemann N (2023). Nitrogen fertilization and liming increased CO2 and N2O emissions from tropical ferralsols, but not from a vertisol. Soil Use and Management 39, 1125-1139.

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Chen H, Rosinger C, Blagodatsky S, Reichel R, Li B, Kumar A, Rothardt S, Luo J, Brüggemann N, Kage H, Bonkowski M (2023) Straw amendment and nitrification inhibitor controlling N losses and immobilization in a soil cooling-warming experiment. Science of The Total Environment 870, 162007.

Cao X., Reichel R, Wissel H, Brüggemann N (2023) Improving nitrogen retention of cattle slurry with oxidized biochar: An incubation study with three different soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 52, 1– 12.

Wei J, Knicker H, Zhou Z, Eckhardt KU, Leinweber P, Wissel H, Wenping Y, Brüggemann N (2023). Nitrogen immobilization caused by chemical formation of black-and amide-N in soil. Geoderma, 429, 116274.


Cao X., Reichel R, Brüggemann N (2022). Fenton oxidation of biochar improves retention of cattle slurry nitrogen. Journal of Environmental Quality 51, 1319–1326.

Cao X, Reichel R, Wissel H, Kummer S, Brüggemann N (2022). High carbon amendments increase nitrogen retention in soil after slurry application - an incubation study with silty loam soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22, 1277–1289.

Roy J, Mazel F, Dumack K, Bonkowski M, Rillig MC (2022). Hierarchical phylogenetic community assembly of soil protists in a temperate agricultural field. Environmental Microbiology.

Zhao Y, Reichel R, Herbst M, Sun Y, Brüggemann N, Mörchen R, Welp G, Meng F, Bol R (2022). Declining total carbon stocks in carbonate-containing agricultural soils over a 62-year recultivation chronosequence under humid conditions. Geoderma.

Roy J, Reichel R, Brüggemann N, Rillig MC (2022). Functional, not taxonomic, composition of soil fungi reestablishes to pre-mining Initial state after 52 years of recultivation. Microbial Ecology.

Reichel R, Kamau CW, Kumar A, Li Z, Radl V, Temperton VM, Schloter M, Brüggemann N (2022). Spring barley performance benefits from simultaneous shallow straw incorporation and top dressing as revealed by rhizotrons with resealable sampling ports. Biology and Fertility of Soils. DOI:

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Kumar A, Blagodaskaya E, Dippold MA, Temperton VM (2022). Positive intercropping effects on biomass production are species-specific and involve rhizosphere enzyme activities: Evidence from a field study. Soil Ecology Letters 4, 444–453.


Clayton J, Lemanski K, Bonkowski M (2021). Shifts in soil microbial stoichiometry and metabolic quotient provide evidence for a critical tipping point at 1% soil organic carbon in an agricultural post-mining chronosequence. Biology and Fertility of Soils 57, 435-446.

Roy J, van Duijnen R, Leifheit EF, Mbedi S, Temperton VM, Rillig MC (2021). Legacy effects of pre-crop plant functional group on fungal root symbionts of barley. Ecological Applications 31, e02378.

Kamau CW, van Duijnen R, Schmid CAO, Balazs HE, Roy J, Rillig MC, Schröder P, Radl V, Temperton VM, Schloter M (2021). Impact of high carbon amendments and pre-crops on soil bacterial communities. Biology and Fertility of Soils 57, 305-317.

Li Z, Reichel R, Xu ZF, Vereecken H, Brüggemann N (2021). Return of crop residues to arable land stimulates N2O emission but mitigates NO3- leaching: a meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41, 66.

Li Z, Reichel R, Brüggemann N (2021). Effect of C:N:P stoichiometry on soil nitrous oxide emission and nitrogen retention. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 184, 520– 529.

Rosinger C, Bonkowski M (2021). Soil age and soil organic carbon content shape biochemical responses to multiple freeze-thaw events in soils along a postmining agricultural chronosequence. Biogeochemistry 155, 113-125.

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Schmid CAO, Reichel R, Schröder P, Brüggemann N, Schloter M (2020). 52 years of ecological restoration following a major disturbance by opencast lignite mining does not reassemble microbiome structures of the original arable soils. Science of The Total Environment 745, 140955.

Yang LH, Schröder P, Vestergaard G, Schloter M, Radl V (2020). Response of barley plants to drought might be associated with the recruiting of soil-borne endophytes. Microorganisms 8, 1414.

Kumar A, van Duijnen R, Delory BM, Reichel R, Brüggemann N, Temperton VM (2020). Barley shoot biomass responds strongly to N:P stoichiometry and intraspecific competition, whereas roots only alter their foraging. Plant and Soil 453, 515-528.

Wei J, Reichel R, Islam MS, Wissel H, Amelung W, Brüggemann N (2020). Chemical composition of high organic carbon soil amendments affects fertilizer-derived N2O emission and nitrogen immobilization in an oxic sandy loam. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 15.

Rillig MC, Aguilar-Trigueros CA, Anderson IC, Antonovics J, Ballhausen MB, Bergmann J, Bielcik M, Chaudhary VB, Deveautour C, Grunfeld L, Hempel S, Lakovic M, Lammel DR, Lehmann A, Lehmann J, Leifheit EF, Liang Y, Li EQ, Lozano YM, Manntschke A, Mansour I, Oviatt P, Pinek L, Powell JR, Roy J, Ryo M, Sosa-Hernandez MA, Veresoglou SD, Wang DW, Yang GW, Zhang HY (2020). Myristate and the ecology of AM fungi: significance, opportunities, applications and challenges. New Phytologist 227, 1610-1614.


Wei J, Ibraim E, Brüggemann N, Vereecken H, Mohn J (2019). First real-time isotopic characterisation of N2O from chemodenitrification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 267, 17-32.

Lemanski K, Armbruster M, Bonkowski M (2019). Linking soil microbial nutrient limitation to fertilizer regime and sugar beet yield. Plant Soil 441, 253-259.

Rillig MC, Lehmann A (2019). Exploring the agricultural parameter space for crop yield and sustainability. New Phytol. 223, 517-519.

Rillig MC, Aguilar-Trigueros CA, Camenzind T, Cavagnaro TR, Degrune F, Hohmann P, Lammel DR, Mansour I, Roy J, van der Heijden MGA, Yang GW (2019). Why farmers should manage the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist 222, 1171-1175.

Zhang SJ, Lehmann A, Zheng WS, You ZY, Rillig MC (2019). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase grain yields: a meta-analysis. New Phytologist 222, 543-555.


Powell JR, Rillig MC (2018). Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and ecosystem function. New Phytologist 220, 1059-1075.

van Duijnen R, Roy J, Hardtle W, Temperton VM (2018). Precrop functional group identity affects yield of winter barley but less so high carbon amendments in a mesocosm experiment. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 912.

Schmid CAO, Schröder P, Armbruster M, Schloter M (2018). Organic amendments in a long-term field trial-consequences for the bulk soil bacterial community as revealed by network analysis. Microbial Ecology 76, 226-239.

Reichel R, Wei J, Islam MS, Schmid C, Wissel H, Schröder P, Schloter M, Brüggemann N (2018). Potential of wheat straw, spruce sawdust, and lignin as high organic carbon soil amendments to improve agricultural nitrogen retention capacity: an incubation study. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 900.

Sosa-Hernandez MA, Roy J, Hempel S, Rillig MC (2018). Evidence for subsoil specialization in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 67.

Rillig MC, Lehmann A, Lehmann J, Camenzind T, Rauh C (2018). Soil biodiversity effects from field to fork. Trends in Plant Science 23, 17-24.

Schloter M., Nannipieri P., Sørensen S., van Elsas J. (2018). Microbial indicators for soil quality. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54, 1-10.


Lehmann A, Zheng WS, Rillig MC (2017). Soil biota contributions to soil aggregation. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1, 1828.

Reichel R, Hänsch M, Brüggemann N (2017). Indication of rapid soil food web recovery by nematode-derived indices in restored agricultural soil after open-cast lignite mining. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 261-264.

Delory BM, Weidlich EWA, Meder L, Lutje A, van Duijnen R, Weidlich R, Temperton VM (2017). Accuracy and bias of methods used for root length measurements in functional root research. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8, 1594-1606.

Roy J, Reichel R, Brüggemann N, Hempel S, Rillig MC (2017). Succession of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along a 52-year agricultural recultivation chronosequence. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93, fix102.

Wei J, Zhou MH, Vereecken H, Brüggemann N (2017). Large variability in CO2 and N2O emissions and in N-15 site preference of N2O from reactions of nitrite with lignin and its derivatives at different pH. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 31, 1333-1343.

Schöler A, Jacquiod S, Vestergaard G, Schulz S, Schloter M (2017). Analysis of soil microbial communities based on amplicon sequencing of marker genes. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53, 485-489.


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Valyi K, Mardhiah U, Rillig MC, Hempel S (2016). Community assembly and coexistence in communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The ISME Journal 10, 2341-2351.

Letzte Änderung: 19.08.2024